The Goodfellow Quarterly - Spring 2023
...well, sort of. A summary of what I've been messing around with
*No AI assistance was needed to create this missive.
Hi friends, I hope this loosely termed quarterly missive finds you happy, healthy and relatively sane.
Dashing around our star increasingly pursued by the Grim Reaper, I approach my 70th lap while dwelling on this madly spinning planet. On my orbits around this Sun, I find myself rising earlier in the mornings - typically around 7:00am.
Before the opening of the eyes, I will remain dormant for a short period of time, the waking moments seem to ooze through my brain into a coalescing synaptic puddle, musing over any spectrum of unsuspected curiosities some combining into occasional flashes of possible insights; some stillborn, discarded immediately unable to gain coherence, other notions perhaps to be pursued. Should they survive the gauntlet of ruthless mental pruning, so necessary considering my unwinding life-clock; a careful balancing the time that will be consumed. What branch of the knowledge-bush may be allowed to thrive, which musings must be pruned?
As my mental curtain opens fully onto a new day, a muddled review of the practical opens before me. Chances are good that my wife, half a solar cycle younger, shall likely remain in stasis typically for another hour.
Dressed and moving; at the bottom of the stairs, two small female sister dogs perform their ridiculously enthusiastic tail-wagging and mock wrestling ballet. There is something stirringly caffinating at having two creatures wishing to greet you in every new day with the same unbridled artless energy, as if you have stepped off a ship after a long voyage. Did you miss us?
Thus begins my mornings.
The art thingee…
Here’s what I have created since my last presentation of my art.
I am not often asked how I am going to make money off of my digital radiative primarism images, but this does occur, my answer is “Uh, dunno”. I like working in three seperate colors, scribbling away on my laptop with what most resembles a wood cutting tool. It’s like smoking, it’s a drug; I can’t give it up. And if I may say so with just a tinge of conceit, after thinking like this for over forty years, I’m good at it.
Go ahead, you try it.
There are advantages working in this mode: Because there are no gradual tonalities, the colors have sharply defined borders. This allows for the image to be saved as a vector-based file. The advantage with this is the artwork can theoretically be scaled
infinitely large without losing any resolution. Furthermore, the file-size remains small.
So enough of this banter, let’s look at some artwork:
These images were created from the autumn of 2022 to spring 2023. Here’s more:
And some more…
That’s it for now. there’s oh-so-much more, but that’ll be a follow-up in the very near future. Promise.
Best, Stephen Goodfellow
prolific! I love those primary colors! They feel like weavings for the eyes!
I succeeded in changing my password so now I can comment. A very colorful quarterly newsletter indeed. I particularly liked your description of awakening. Now all we need is some good images of the pups